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The Stage-73 gives you actual authentic modeling of both Stage and Suitcase versions of the most popular electric piano on the planet —completed with unparalleled control of virtual mechanics, a complement of effects pedals, and built-in classic amps.

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The Stage-73 uses our award-winning modeling technology to faithfully reproduce the tine-based sound and playing experience of the most loved electric pianos of all time. We modeled both the Fender Rhodes Suitcase Piano and Stage Piano—including separate 1973 and 1974 models of the Stage in order to capture the difference in their components. We’re talking total sonic and aesthetic fidelity to the originals. You can even easily pop the top and customize the various mechanical components to make your instrument unique. Classic amps and an array of effect pedals round out the virtual electric piano you’ve always dreamed of having.

A sound that’s always in style

Whether you’re playing yesterday’s hits or making tomorrow’s, the sound of the Stage-73 is a true player in its own right.

The venerable sound of the Fender Rhodes simply refuses to go out of style. These instruments were used by a who’s who of keyboardists who pioneered mid-century jazz, funk, R&B and rock. With a tonal range spanning smooth bell-like qualities to an aggressive bark depending upon how hard they’re played, these seminal keyboards have been in continual use across just about every style imaginable right through to today.


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