Arturia DX7 V Virtual FM Synthesizer Software

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The best-selling synth of all time. DX7 V is a software

Electronic Delivery


Arturia DX7 V FM synthesis gamechanger, the best-selling synth of all time.


The DX7 brought digital synthesis to everyday musicians, transformed the sound of the charts, and won the title of best-selling synth of all time. DX7 V is a software reimagining of the icon, bringing that iconic glassy, punchy, crystal-clear sound to your DAW.


FM the way it was meant to be heard.

FM synthesis exploded the sonic palette of keyboardists and producers almost overnight.   Going where analog doesn’t, it’s still one of the most versatile approaches to sound-making there is. But musicians found the original DX difficult to program and lacking in real-time control. DX7 V amps up the advantages, loses the limitations, and adds tons of functionality that put it right at home in a modern music making rig.


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Need to nail that ’80s chart-topping sound of Sting, Tina Turner, or anything that happened within a mile of David Foster? DX7 V has you covered.


Cutting Edge

Struck, plucked, and bowed sounds were the DX’s specialty, as were percussive keyboards like EPs and Clavs. Hear that FM edge rendered with loving precision.


Digital Personality

From FM classics to lilting pads and sparkling motion-synth soundscapes, listeners will wonder how you got “that” sound.


Well Behaved

Expanded wIth tons of tempo-syncing and MIDI mapping features, DX7 V’s classic sound fits into the modern workflow without a hitch.

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